IP Transactions

Adapt IP partners with companies, investors or individuals seeking to either monetize or acquire IP to bolster their IP strategy. Patent owners often realize that obtaining a patent is both challenging and rewarding. However, patent owners often lack the experience and/or bandwidth to manage patent sales, acquisition or licensing transactions. 

Common entry points to IP Transactions services:

  • Seeking to sell or license non-core patents

  • Exploration of companies that may be potentially infringing patents

  • Desire to acquire IP to fit strategic plan; often keeping the identity of the prospective buyer confidential

  • Licensed IP is generating revenue but licensor would like to sell the royalty stream

Adapt IP consistently seeks input from these stakeholders to understand their areas of technological interest, value drivers and pain points. Our mission is clear – improve the odds of closing transactions for our clients by providing expert services for a successful patent acquisition.

Adapt IP Ventures manages patent marketing programs to ensure maximum outcome, risk reduction and transparency of communication. The marketing process is complex because the stakeholders at an acquiring company range from attorneys, engineers and business leaders – each with different motivations. Further, the rise in patent litigation by non-practicing entities (NPEs) invites opportunities for patent owners to monetize patents.

IP Transaction Services:

  • Sell Patents - Patent holders ranging from individual inventors to large corporations routinely decide to sell non-core patents. Adapt IP builds a customized sales campaign for each client to highlight the technology, market and business value for acquiring the IP. Campaigns can be targeted with one or two prospective buyers or broader with dozens of potential buyers. 
  • License Patents - Patent licensing is an option for companies that have patent portfolios with broad applicability across an industry or across many industries as technologies converge. Additionally, patent licensing may be a necessary step if patent holders believe that companies may be utilizing their patented inventions without a license to do so. In either case, Adapt IP can manage licensing discussions with prospective licensees or build litigation-driven partnerships with law firms, investors and other licensing partners.
  • Acquire Patents - Companies may seek to acquire patents for a variety of reasons including: 1) protection of product development efforts, 2) compliment internal licensing efforts and 3) bolster asset base for capital raising discussions

Adapt IP works with companies to identify patent portfolios that fit client directives and work with those potential sellers to negotiate and close a transaction.