
Adapt IP Ventures is committed to supporting non-profit organizations whose missions broadly range from entrepreneurial education to child well-being to public health. We believe that investing our time and money into our community – both locally and abroad – is one way to share our passion for Giving Ideas Value.

Inspired by the unwavering commitment to philanthropy by’s CEO, Marc Benioff, we established our Community Commitment. The model is simple: Donate 1% of resources to support organizations that are working to make our world a better place.


How will Adapt IP Ventures support various organizations?

Our Community Commitment model:

  • Time - we will spend a portion of our time volunteering with community organizations through hands-on projects and advisory positions.
  • Revenue - we will commit a portion of our revenue to support grants, donations or other giving.


How does Adapt IP Ventures decide on which organizations to support?

We will match the source of revenue with the goals of the organizations that we support. For example, if we sell a patent related to:

  • Medical imaging - we will support organizations focused on providing medical imaging devices or services to the underserved.
  • eCommerce - we will support organizations focused on expanding the availability of technology to the underserved.

We realize that our commitment is minor compared to the overall need; however, our goal is to inspire other businesses to adopt the mindset of service and community involvement.


Our Partners:


Boys and Girls Club of Buncombe County/Asheville

 September 22, 2015

For additional information:


Asheville Startup Weekend

August 28 - 30, 2015 

For additional information: 


Venture Asheville - Wicked Biz Pitch

On September 30, 2013, we co-sponsored Venture Asheville's Wicked Biz Pitch competition (held at the Wicked Weed Brewery - another great entrepreneurial story). In this competition, ideas ranging from a new beer growler dispenser to a daily comedy app to a potted planter display to natural body products were presented. Adapt IP's President, Grant Moss, was intereviewd by ABC's WLOS the morning of the event - interview.

Please visit to learn more about the organization


Supporting Adoption & Foster Families Together

We support SAFFT – [Supporting Adoption and Foster Families Together] – a non-profit organization based in Cumming, Georgia that is dedicated to serving foster children and their caregivers by providing a supportive network. SAFFT was founded by two close friends – Ashley and Brian Anderson – who selflessly gave their time, energy and passion for Jesus Christ by providing a loving home for foster children.

Please visit to learn more about their mission, passion and ways to get involved. - Teachers ask. You choose. Students learn.

We support’s mission to improve education by connecting classroom needs with “citizen philanthropists”. The goals of this organization are extremely important because: 1) education is critical to the growth of our families and communities and 2) many of my family members are teachers and often express the needs that they see. As the challenges of students increase, the solutions need to be more creative. integrates technology, social media and a passion for education into a simple solution to address significant, yet solvable, problems.

Please visit to learn more about their organization and search for projects near your geographic area or area of interest (by subject, resource, age, etc.).


We support Rayo de Sol’s mission to enable the children of Nicaragua to realize their full potential, a challenge when you are growing up in the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Due to the endemic poverty in Nicaragua, malnourishment among children is widespread and most children go to school in dilapidated structures with limited textbooks and other basic necessities – if the family can sacrifice having the child in school at all. While visiting several communities within Nicaragua as part of his MBA coursework, Adapt IP Ventures’ CEO, Grant Moss, was exposed to the many challenges of sustainable economic development in Nicaragua and how social entrepreneurs and enterprises target to alleviate some of these challenges. This travel rooted a desire within Grant to help break the cycle of poverty in Nicaragua by investing in and supporting programs to help children develop skills and strengths that will allow them to rise economically later in their lives.

Grant’s personal goals, coupled with Adapt IP Ventures’ community commitment to reinvest proceeds of patent sales and licensing campaigns into technology-specific projects to improve the lives of others, made for an easy decision when approached to partner with Rayo de Sol to assist with funding for an electrical installation project at the 15 de septiembre school in Matagapala, Nicaragua. Funding for the school’s electrical installation project was generated in part by Adapt IP’s revenues derived from a client that is successfully licensing patents related to LED lighting. The project was completed in December 2013 and will have a significant impact on the school, and the quality of education, during the 2014 school year, which begins in February, and in the future. During the rainy months, from May to November, the lights will help to facilitate teaching and learning. Teachers will also be able to use music, video and visual presentations in their classrooms, to diversify their teaching methodologies.

Read the Project Report to see pictures or for more information about the project.

Please visit to learn more about the goal of Rayo de Sol or to help fund a project or become a donor.


Contact Us:

If you would like more information about our Community Commitment and partnership opportunities, please contact Adapt IP Ventures' CEO Grant Moss at